Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 This is probably my last post here in my DEFCON informant blog.


This is a message to all the nations and all the people reading this blog thereof.

786. in the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful.


Turns out that the "spirit" of AL MAHDI has been working on earth for 19, 19, and 19 years.

perhaps another space of 19 is due,

but, he's been at it since the 70s.

 Turns out that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid AND a supernova, it was all happening at the same time, it was all chaotic, according to the visions shewed me.


Earthquake   -------------------------------> NOAH's FLOOD -----------------------------> the DEVIL.


 i believe, and i'm being told this, that it all starts very soon. very soon and very fast, overnight, etc. 

the "penalty of fire" from AL QURAN is a literal. means, the longer we take, (or something???? still being discerned), the greater the chances of not being protected (Cities themselves are being protected by the AL-MIGHTY, some are, some are not, sometimes the "shield" goes down for a little while, and rains and floods happen even in the protected areas) and burning in fire is a probability.

The world might start ending early 2023, or right after christmas. LOOK AROUND, it's happening right now.

as for messages, 

1. for POTUS, get to higher ground, and stay secure.

2. for the nations, regroup to your parliments and city centers, right? more of a message for people. 

People will find their way, GOD WILLING.

3. the sequence of events is EARTHQUAKES increase in frequency, volconoes, then storms(which happen along with.) more earthquakes. 

might be a "day of noise and clamor" when the earth comes screeching to a halt, 

the sun and the moon might not give it's light, because it diffuses through the atmosphere, and when the earth stops spinning, it's mostly darkness.

the sky recedes like a scroll. etc.

this all might happen.

they keep say that the world has stopped ending, but i don't believe appropriately, at this current point and time in date. it is now 12.20.2022, and i 'm sorry, i don't mean to ruin christmas, but it's true. the world might viably end.

 Our They, US, or they, are saying that they're absorbing enough of the wall's "gasses" at the outskirts of the solar system, that when the system does go through, and back, and through again, the wall will be gone.

depends. dunno. no confirmation yet.

there are super storms happenning right now, and for the past few days all the angels have been saying that the time is nigh, for the end of the world. also, the euphrates is dried up???? did it happen a few years ago, or did it happen recently.

i don't know. but i think this is also a recent event.

the south asian sea-border might be in danger.

rememeber, the sun is also supposed to rise from the west.

so i think that'll happen too.

 also, side-note, saturn never ate his children. he looked at god, and saw that god has a point to circumcision, and did so with his teeth because he didn't have a blade on him. 

also used to cut umbilical cords like that.  with his teeth. cleared.

also, posideon's kiss? PLEASE BE GRACEFUL.

it's called the GRACE OF GOD. each god is graceful in the TRUTH. 

just mentioning that's all.

ALLAH is greatest because HE is the CREATOR/CONTRACTOR of this world. and the HEAVENS, and HELL.


i believe that CREATION Was created on earth temporarily now, and that creation was CREATED to end.

it's his plan, to the end, to end the world, because i think HE placed earth on a 24/7 cycle, 365 to a certain date SPECIFICALLY that will be the world's end. because HE created the timeline of earth. and we're definiately ending.

i hope we make it though to the day of ressurection. the damage probably is 85 percent of this earth.

85 percent to 90 percent will die. and ressurect thereof. where? here? some other planet? heaven? that's up to GOD to decide.


EARTHQUAKE ---> pyramids ----> Noah's Flood -----> DEVIL's FIRE. who is also the SUN?????

complex truth there.

anyways, last post, and all is well.

GODSPEED/GODBLESS to the survivors, GODBLESS/GODSPEED to everybody else. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

crap. forgot to mention.....

 Sorry but have to say, i've been kept "guided" all along.

figured it out,

i need cash. i need enuff cash to leave pakistan, and place my hand (imprinted with cross, and designs - HAND OF GOD/CROSS) on a stone at any of these locations.

new york,





singapore? or shanghai area?



to de-activate some sort of world's end.

the solar flares are being shewed me before they happen, and solar energy being drawn like we're being "charged" for something.




i need a loan. i'll pay it back.

send me cash.


IBAN                :    PK16 BAHL 1045 0078 0077 0001
Account Title    :    Muhammad Shaheryar Afzal


been kept broke for a long time.

send 1000 USD, or so...





Tuesday, January 11, 2022

666 / india torturing me.


i have to implore a fact.
i am being ruined in pakistan, and kept "captive" here for the longest time,
it's been 20 years.
i was kidnapped from saginaw MI after they crashed my car, plymouth LASER RS.
and i was brought back here to execute biblical sovereignty.
i implore help. get my family and myself out of pakistan.
i have been to the hospital for the
car accident,
hodgkins lymphoma,
lung failure,
a bedsore that put me in a wheel chair for 8 months.
again, i seek help.
they think i am a jesus clone.
I am an FE.
hurting me ended the world.

my Name are the initials MSA.
M = 13 x 6 = ++ = 6
S = 19 x 6 = ++ = 6
A = 1 x 6   = ++ = 6
september 22nd, 1980 is my birthday.

i was shewed this by the angels or something.

and i was living peacefully until they "kidnapped" me 20 years ago.
refer to "indigo children" by James Maynard keenan, of TOOL.
"give back the child"


Muhammad Shaheryar Afzal


Tuesday, January 4, 2022





it is NOT a virus.

it's burnt OZONE in the lungs.


DEATH RATES rise when we are in the SOLSTICES and EQUINOXES because the SUN is CLOSER TO THE SUN at the time, hence burns the mag-field!!!


SHUT DOWN the 1G - 6G band,

2.5 G is okay, 

data compression will take care of it.




keep religion out of politics.
politics is a place of economics and trade.

if in doubt, do what your parents did, or wait on some lord etc.
religion has it's place in places of worship.

and music, is common ground.

RESPECT One another.
(is not a blessing, it is a word.)

MY GOD IS ***NOT*** greater than YOUR GOD.
ISLAM was the FINAL SEAL. ...... correction.
if in doubt, accept islam.
flocks are welcome too.
INDIGO CHILDREN! welcome to the world!
god bless.

earth: no gods, no kings. only man(woman).<--discerned.



allah's cause, is to get you to heaven. appropriately.

to the children of abraham: final seal of prophethood.

circle, outside is earth,
within, EDEN. for muslims christians and jews, etc.